- Download, Install and Activate SnapGene
- Unregister SnapGene
- Adjust the Configuration
- Manage an Email Sign-In License
- Manage A SnapGene Legacy Subscription or Permanent License
- SnapGene Licensing Limits
- Open Full Screen Windows By Default
- Open Files in Separate Windows By Default
- Hide or Show the Description Panel By Default
- Show the Launch Window on macOS (SnapGene 6.2 or earlier)
- Hide the Launch Window on Microsoft Windows (SnapGene 6.2 or earlier)
- Configure Dark Mode and Background Color
SnapGene 8.0
- What's New in SnapGene 8.0
- Changes to Views in SnapGene 8.0
- Changes to Map and Sequence Views in SnapGene 8.0
- Changes to Features View in SnapGene 8.0
- Changes to Primers View in SnapGene 8.0
- Bulk Actions in SnapGene 8.0
Display Options for DNA Sequences
- Change View Options for DNA Sequences
- Display a Circular Plasmid as a Linear (Horizontal) Map
- Show or Hide DNA Feature Labels
- Show or Hide Restriction Site or Primer Coordinates on a Map
- Show Features on the DNA Line
- Display a DNA Sequence Minimap
Display Options for Protein Sequences
- Change View Options for Protein Sequences
- Show or Hide Protein Features
- Customize Protein Sequence Colors
- Show or Hide Protein Colors
- Hide or Show Protein Region Labels
- Show or Hide Protein Feature Numbering in Map View
Other Display Options
- Show or Hide the Toolbars
- Change the Font Size
- View a Sequence with a Split Window
- View Sequence Traces with Color Vision Disabilities
- Show a Plot of GC Content
- View an AB1 or SCF Trace File
Description Panel
- Show or Hide All Enzymes Sites
- Show or Hide Individual Enzymes
- Choose an Enzyme Set
- Choose Enzymes Manually
- Highlight an Enzyme Site
- Display a Restriction Site Overview
- Create a Simple Feature
- Create a Translated Feature
- Adjust Translated Feature Numbering
- Create a Feature Segment on a Nucleotide Sequence
- Annotate Introns
- Add a Cleavage Arrow
Custom Feature Types (SnapGene 6.0 and later)
- Create a Primer (SnapGene 7.0 and later)
- Edit Multiple Primers
- Create a Primer (SnapGene 6.2 and earlier)
- Adjust Primer Hybridization Parameters
- Show or Hide Primers
- Show or Hide Primer Details in Primers View
- Show or Hide Translations and ORFs
- Choose the Translation Frames
- Choose the Translation Format
- Choose the Translation Genetic Code
- Display Open Reading Frames
- Convert an ORF to a Feature
- Create a Protein Sequence
- Import a Protein Sequence
- Make a Protein Sequence from a DNA Sequence
- Show Protein Properties
- Export Protein Properties (SnapGene 6.2 and later)
- Add an Intramolecular Bond to a Protein Sequence
Restriction Cloning and Linear Ligation
- Insert a Restriction Fragment into a Plasmid
- Insert Multiple Restriction Fragments into a Plasmid
- Delete Restriction Fragment
- Destroy a Restriction Site
- Linear Ligation
- Golden Gate Assembly in Older Versions of SnapGene
Gateway Cloning®
Gibson Assembly®
Golden Gate Assembly
- Golden Gate Cloning of a Single Fragment into a Vector
- Golden Gate Cloning of Multiple Fragments into a Vector with Type IIS Sites
- Golden Gate Cloning of Multiple Fragments into a Vector with no Type IIS sites
- Golden Gate Cloning into a Vector Cut with non-Type IIS Enzymes (6.2 or later)
- Golden Gate Cloning into a Vector Cut with non-Type IIS Enzymes (Version 6.1)
- How is Golden Gate Fidelity Predicted in SnapGene?
NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly®
In-Fusion® Cloning
TA or GC Cloning
TOPO® Cloning
PCR and Mutagenesis
Agarose Gel Simulation
- Create an Agarose Gel
- Save an Agarose Gel
- Choose a MW Marker
- Set the Default MW marker
- Configure the Gel Properties
- Choose a Sequence for Digestion or PCR
- Make a New Collection
- Collection Areas
- Designate a Main Collection
- Open a Collection
- Add Files to a Collection
- Organize Sequences in a Collection
Batch Operations
- Add Description Data to Multiple Sequences
- Add Common Features to Multiple DNA Sequences
- Import Features into Multiple SnapGene Files
- Import Primers into Multiple SnapGene Files
- Flip Multiple DNA Sequences
- Blast Multiple Sequences
Importing and Exporting
- Import a Sequence from NCBI
- Import a Multi-sequence FASTA or GenBank File (SnapGene 7.0 or Later)
- Import a Multisequence FASTA or GenBank File as a Collection (SnapGene 6.2 or Earlier)
- Import a Published Plasmid Sequence
- Import a Vector NTI Database (SnapGene 6.2 and earlier)
- Import a Vector NTI Database (SnapGene 7.0 and later)
Editing Sequences
- Create a New DNA, RNA or Protein Sequence (SnapGene 7.0 or later)
- Edit a DNA or RNA sequence
- Create a New DNA or RNA Sequence (SnapGene 6.2.2 or earlier)
- Edit a Sanger (.ab1, .scf or .ztr) Trace File
- Edit DNA Ends
- Extract a Restriction Fragment from a Sequence
Assembly and Alignment
Pairwise and Multiple Alignment
- Create a Pairwise DNA Alignment
- Create a Pairwise Protein Alignment
- Create a Multiple Sequence Alignment
- Reorder or Rename Sequences in a Multiple Alignment
- Repeat an Alignment with an Alternative Algorithm, New Parameters or Changed Input
- Convert a DNA Alignment to a Protein Alignment
Single Stranded Sequences
Designing Sequences
- Design a Synthetic Construct
- Insert a Restriction Enzyme Site into a Sequence
- Insert Codons into a Sequence
- Insert a Feature into a Sequence
- Order a Synthetic Sequence
- Insert a Back-Translated Protein into a DNA Sequence