What is new in SnapGene 8.0?
The full release of SnapGene 8.0 will be available in November 2024. SnapGene will alert you when the update is available to install.
SnapGene 8.0 is now available as a beta release, if you would like to try the beta then see this article – Try a SnapGene Beta Release.
Changes to the Views and View Controls
In SnapGene 8.0 we have continued to modernise the look and feel of SnapGene and have simplified and rearranged the controls for the various views.
See this article for a detailed overview – Changes to Views in SnapGene 8.0.

Improvements to the Project Side Panel and Tabs
1: A Gold "You have unsaved changes" alert will be displayed at the top of the Side panel if one or more files has unsaved changes.
2: All modified unsaved files are marked by a Gold dot in the Side panel.
3: If the "in focus" tab has unsaved modifications it will also be marked by a Gold dot.

Click the Elipsis in the Gold Alert to choose to Save all modified files, discard changes, or select the modified unsaved files.

Bulk Actions
The Project side panel now allows you to perform a range of "Bulk Actions" on multiple files. Select two or more files or any combination of files and folders in the side panel and choose from the available "Actions".
For example:
- Select multiple DNA files and create a gel in one step
- Select multiple DNA files and Detect Common features on all in one step
- Select multiple DNA files and Import matching primers to all in one step
- Select multiple linear DNA files and convert all to circular sequences (via More Actions → Change Topology) in one step
- Select a .dna reference and Sanger reads and perform an "Alignment to reference" in one step
See this article for more details – Bulk Actions in SnapGene 8.0.

SnapGene and SnapGene Viewer are now One Application
For SnapGene versions 7.2.1 and earlier we provided separate applications for the full featured SnapGene and the free feature-limited "SnapGene Viewer".
With the release of SnapGene 8.0 we provide a single SnapGene application. See this article for more details – SnapGene Viewer 8.0.