How do I add reference information to a DNA, RNA or protein sequence file?
Show the Description Panel
To add citation data to a sequence file, first show the Description Panel.
Edit the References Field
Click on the blue "References" link to add or edit reference information.
Choose the Reference Type
Select the "Type" dropdown menu to choose the type of data to be cited.
Import Data for a Journal Article or Patent
You can enter journal article data manually into the fields provided, or if you know the PubMed ID (PMID), you can use it to autofill the reference entry.
Enter the PubMed ID, then click the Import from PubMed button.
SnapGene will retrieve the citation information from PubMed.
Similarly, if you know the number of a patent or patent application, you can use it to autofill the reference entry.
To add another reference, click the "+" button.
After closing the "Edit References" window, you will see the references displayed in the Description Panel. Click blue hyperlinks to open the corresponding database entries in your web browser.