How do I add an intramolecular bond Feature to a protein sequence?
SnapGene allows the addition of intramolecular bond Features to a protein sequence. Bond types can be disulfide, thioether, thiolester, x-link or other. In this lesson we show how to add a disulfide bond.
Open a Protein Sequence
Open a protein sequence.
Click and drag to select the region with the two cysteines as the first and last residue in the selection. Alternatively, click to position the cursor to the left of the first cysteine, then shift-click immediately to the right of the second cysteine to select the region.
The first and last residues in the selection will be joined by the bond.
Add a Bond Feature
Click Features → Add Feature.
Enter a name for the Feature, set the Type: to "Bond", set the Subtype: to "disulfide".
Optional: add information to the /note
Click OK to add the bond.
View the Bond Feature
The bond Feature displays in Map view and Sequence view as a line joining the specified amino acids.
Double click on the bond line if you want to edit the bond Feature.