How do I add a custom (non-standard Type) feature to a sequence?
Create or Import a Custom Feature Type
First, create or import the new custom Feature Type.
See the Guide lesson - Create a Custom Feature Type to learn how to create a new Custom Feature Type.
See the Guide lessons - Import Custom Feature Types from a List and Import a File with Custom Feature Types, to learn how to import custom Feature Types.
Custom Feature Types work just like Standard Feature Types. Once a Custom Type is defined, you can add new feature of that Type by clicking Features → Add Features.
Create or Open a Sequence and Define a New Feature
Create or open a sequence, select the region the corresponds to the feature then clicm Features → Add Feature.
Click the "Type:" dropdown menu and choose the Custom Feature Type from the "Recent Feature Types" list, or from the "All Feature Types" submenu. Custom feature Types will be marked as "Custom".
Give the new feature a name, set the feature directionality, and add appropriate qualifier information to the new feature.
Click OK to add the "custom Feature Type" feature.