How do I use the tabbed interface in SnapGene 7.0 or later?
SnapGene 7.2 introduces the ability to drag tabs to convert a tab to a separate window.
Temporary Tabs

To view a file in a temporary tab, click once on the file name in the side panel. The file name is shown in italicized text.
The file displayed in a temporary tab will be replaced if you select another file in the side panel.
When viewing a temporary tab, if you interact with the sequence or side bar then it will be converted to a permanent tab.
Permanent Tabs

To view or open a permanent tab, double click the file name in the side panel. The file is displayed in a new permanent tab. The file name is shown in non-italicized text.
To close a permanent tab, click the close box associated with the tab, or alternatively, click on the tab to select it and click File → Close.
Managing Tabs
Open Files/Tabs will be remembered and reopened if you quit and restart SnapGene. Use the methods below to permanently close tabs.

Click the Ellipsis (⋮) in the top right corner to choose from a list of all open tabs, all recently closed tabs, and options to "Close all tabs" or "Close [all] Saved tabs".
You can click and drag tab headers left or right to rearrange the tab order.

Right click (or CTRL-click) for a list of tab display options.
You can click and drag tab header up or down to move the tab to a new tabbed window

Click on a tab, then drag and release to move the tab to a new window.

The tab will be converted to a new "tabbed" window.
Click and drag tabs to move them between the main "project" window and other open windows.