How do I see two views at the same time in a DNA or protein sequence window?
The split window option is available in SnapGene version 5.1 and later.
Enter Split Window Mode

A split window provides two panels that allow you to display two different views, or two versions of the same view, one above the other. To create two view panels, click the "Split Window" button or click View → Split Window.

For example, select Map view in the top panel and Sequence view in the bottom panel. Click on a feature, primer, or enzyme site in one view to select it in both views.
Resize the Views

Adjust the panel widths by resizing the SnapGene window. To change the relative heights of the two panels, click and drag the central divider.

If the panel height prevents some side toolbar buttons from being displayed, then click the "double arrow" icon to see the hidden buttons.
Choose the Desired Views

You can select any combination of views. For example, you might want to see Map view in combination with Features view. Alternatively, circular and linear versions of Map view can be displayed.
Adjust a View Using the Associated Side Toolbar

Buttons in the side toolbar may be present depending on the views that are visible. Individual buttons control display options in either one panel (#2 and #3 in the screenshot) or both panels (#1 in the screenshot).