How can I show or hide individual enzymes in Map and Sequence views?
Choose an Enzyme Set
To choose the set of all enzymes that could potentially be visible, either click Enzymes → Use Enzyme Set to choose a predefined enzyme set, or click Enzymes → Choose Enzymes... to create a custom enzyme set.
Show the Enzymes in the Chosen Set
To show the enzymes in the chosen set, click Enzymes → Show or Hide Enzymes → Show All Enzymes.
Hide the Enzymes in the Chosen Set
To hide the enzymes in the chosen set, click Enzymes → Show or Hide Enzymes → Hide All Enzymes.
Show or Hide Individual Enzymes
To show or hide individual enzymes in the chosen set, switch to Enzymes view, and in the "Visibility" column, check or uncheck the boxes.
Alternatively, click on the names of enzymes to select them, and then click either Enzymes → Show or Hide Enzymes → Show Selected Enzymes or Enzymes → Show or Hide Enzymes → Hide Selected Enzymes.
In Map or Sequence view, you can right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (macOS) on an enzyme site and choose to Hide all sites for that enzyme.
Toggle Enzyme Visibility Using the Side Toolbar
A complementary control is provided by the "Show enzymes" button in the side toolbar. This button will show or hide all of the enzymes that are marked in Enzymes view as being visible.