How do I manually edit a DNA sequence?
Create or Open a DNA or RNA Sequence
Open or create a DNA or RNA sequence file. To learn how to create a new sequence see Create a New DNA or RNA Sequence.
Manually Insert Sequence
In Sequence view, click to place the cursor at the desired location for insertion. begin to type a DNA sequence (or paste sequence from the clipboard) to open the "Insert Bases" window. Click Insert to insert the new sequence.
Manually Replace or Remove Sequence
Click and drag to select a region of the sequence.
Click Edit → Delete (or hit the delete key), then click OK to remove the selected sequence.
If you click on a feature to select the region for replacement, then choosing to delete will remove the feature, not the underlying sequence. Once the feature is removed, hit delete again to remove the selected sequence.
To replace the selection with new sequence, start typing a sequence (or paste sequence from the clipboard) to open the "Insert Bases" window. Click Insert to replace the selected sequence with the new sequence.
See the Chapter on Designing Sequences for lessons on other methods for creating and editing/designing sequences.