How has the SnapGene Features View and controls changed for SnapGene version 8.0?
Be assured, we have not removed any of the existing view control functionality in SnapGene 8.0. If you can't find the options you are looking for after reading this article, then contact our support team for advice via our support form:
Changes to Features View
In SnapGene 8.0 we have continued to modernise the look and feel of SnapGene and have simplified and rearranged some controls for the various views.
Here's a brief summary that shows how things differ in SnapGene 7.2 and 8.0.
Feature Details
In SnapGene 7.2.1 and earlier, "Full descriptions" (feature qualifiers) of features were displayed by default. In SnapGene 8.0 and later, details are hidden by default.
Click on a chevron (>) to show or hide details associated with a feature.
Option-click (macOS) or ALT-click (Windows-Linux) on any chevron to show or hide details of all features. Alternatively, click the arrow button on the right side of the view and choose Expand all or Collapse all.
Sort Features
Click on a feature table column header to sort by that column.Click again to switch between ascending or descending values.
For more advanced sorting based on multiple values, click the arrow button on the right side of the view and choose Sort By....

Perform Actions on Features
Click on a feature row to select or deselect it, or click on a feature, then shift click on a second feature to select a range.
Click the Actions menu to show or hide features, or show or hide features based on feature Type.

Hidden features (hidden in Map and Sequence view) will be shaded gray and show the eye icon on the right side of the table. You can also hover over a feature row and click the eye icon to show or hide a feature. For more information on showing or hiding features, see Show or Hide Features.

Edit a Feature
To Edit a feature in the table, double click on the feature row. Alternatively, hover over a row, and click the pencil button.

Filter Features in Feature View
Type in the "Find Features" field to filter the features list based on feature name or Type.
Click "Clear Filter" to show all features in the table.