How can I share my list of custom common features with a colleague?
Browse the Custom Features
To browse the Custom Features, click Features → Browse Common Features.
Then switch the menu control at the upper left to Custom Features.
Select the Custom Features
Click a custom feature name to select the desired feature, then Shift-click or Command-click to select additional features.
Alternatively, click in the list of custom features and then choose Edit → Select All.
Export the Selected Custom Features
From the menu at the lower left, choose Export Selected Features... .
Save the Features
Specify the folder name and destination, then click Save.
If more than one feature is selected, the result will be a folder containing a .dna file for each exported feature.
Import the Custom Features
To import a list of custom features, your colleague should click Features → Browse Common Features and then follow the remaining steps below.
Switch the menu control at the upper left to Custom Features.
Choose Import Custom Features... from the menu at the lower left.
View the List of Available Features
Browse to the folder of exported custom features, select all of the features within that folder, then click Open.
Specify Which Features To Add
The Add column indicates which features will be imported. SnapGene will detect and deselect features already present in Common Features. Click the relevant check boxes, then click Add [N] Feature(s). The selected imported features will be added to the custom common features list.