How can I change the properties of custom enzyme sets, and export them for transfer to another computer?
Manage Enzyme Sets

To manage enzyme sets, click Enzymes → Manage Enzyme Sets... .

Rename the Selected Enzyme Set

To rename the selected enzyme set, edit its name in the Name text box, then click OK.
Change the Enzyme Set Type

To change the type of the selected enzyme set, choose the type, then click OK.
Alternatively, drag and drop the enzyme set from one of the bottom two list boxes to the other.
Delete the Selected Enzyme Set

To delete the selected enzyme set, click the Delete button, then click OK.
Duplicate the Selected Enzyme Set

To duplicate the selected enzyme set, click the Duplicate button. Give the new enzyme set a name, then click OK.
Merge Enzyme Sets

To merge two or more selected enzyme sets, click the Merge button. Give the new enzyme set a name, then click OK.
Create an Overlap Enzyme Set

To create an enzyme set that contains only the enzymes the selected enzyme sets have in common, click the Overlap button. Give the new enzyme set a name, then click OK.
Export Enzyme Sets

To export the selected enzyme sets, click the Import/Export menu button, then click Export Selected Enzyme Sets... , type the file name, and click Save.
Import Enzyme Sets

To import enzyme sets that were exported previously from SnapGene, click the Import/Export menu button, then click Import Enzyme Sets... , select the enzyme set .txt file, and click Open. Alternatively, drag and drop an enzyme set .txt file to either of the bottom two list boxes. The imported enzyme set names will now be shown in the list box.