How do I set the display options for a newly created SnapGene collection?
Open Preferences
Click SnapGene → Preferences (macOS) or Edit → Preferences (Windows or Linux), and select "Collections" in the sidebar.
Use the drop-down menus to choose the default set (DNA Files, Protein Files, or Miscellaneous Files), the file layout (Folder view or List view), and the font size for sequences displayed in the collection window.
Set the Columns to Display in List view
All Files
In "All Files", set the columns to display in All Files view. See the Collection Areas lesson to learn about "All Files" view.
Use the dropdown menu to set how files are sorted (ordered) in All Files view.
Sequence Files
Click the "Sequences Files" tab to specify which columns to display in List view for DNA Files, RNA and Protein Files.
Use the dropdown menus to set how DNA, RNA or Protein files are sorted (ordered) in the corresponding Collection Area List view.
Other Files
Click the "Other Files" tab to specify which columns to display in "Miscellaneous Files" view.
Use the dropdown menu to set how files are sorted (ordered) in All Files view.