How can I record a description for a Collection, and how can I specify the author for a Collection or for an individual sequence in a Collection?
Open the Collection

To open a recently accessed Collection, click File → Open Collection. Alternatively, Browse... to a Collection that is being newly accessed.
Switch to the Collection Overview

To switch to the Collection Overview, click the top menu button, then choose the "Overview" option.
Add a Collection Description

To add a description in the Collection Overview, type or paste in the Description field.
Specify the Collection Author

The Collection author can be selected from the second menu.

Alternatively, edit the Collection Author name in the menu box directly.

The edited name does not replace or update the default Collection author listed in the menu.

If you begin typing the name of an author who is listed in the menu, hit Tab to auto-populate the menu box.
Specify a Default Collection Author

To specify a default Collection author, open the SnapGene Preferences dialog as follows:
• On a Mac computer, click SnapGene → Preferences.
• On a Windows computer, click Edit → Preferences.
Then click Files in the side bar.
Use the first menu to choose a Default "Author" for new sequence files and Collections. Alternatively, edit the author name in the menu box directly. This author will be chosen by default for both new Collections and new individual sequences.
Add Sequence Authors Manually

For an individual sequence in a Collection, the sequence author can be recorded in the Description Panel. To edit the list of entries in the Sequence Author: menu, first click the top menu button in the Collection window, then choose Choose Settings for This Collection... .

Click the Sequence Authors tab. Type each additional author name on a separate line, then click OK.
Import Sequence Authors from Another Collection

To import additional sequence authors, click Import from Another Collection... .

Select a recently accessed Collection from the Collection: menu, or Browse... to another Collection with the desired sequence authors. Then click Import.
Assign a Sequence Author to an Individual File

To assign a sequence author to the selected file, click the Description Panel check box in the bottom right corner of the window. Then use the Sequence Author: menu to choose a name.

Alternatively, type the name of the sequence author. If you begin typing the name of an author who is listed in the menu, hit Tab to auto-populate the menu box.