How do I view or edit features in an Alignment?
SnapGene 6.0 and later allow display and editing of Features in pairwise and multiple alignments.
Create an Alignment with Annotated Sequences

Create a pairwise alignment using sequences that have features.
View Features in the Alignment

Click on a disclosure triangle to show all features associated with a sequence.
Click on a disclosure triangle whilst pressing the option (macOS) or ALT (Windows and Linux) key to show all features for both sequences.
View All Features in a Table

Switch to Features view to show a table of all features associated with all sequences in the alignment.
Check "Full descriptions" to see all qualifier information for each feature.
Use "Find" to search for keywords in all feature qualifiers.
Check or uncheck boxes to show or hide individual features.
Delete a Feature from an Alignment
Click on the feature to select it and hit the "delete" key to remove the feature from the alignment.
Edit a Feature in An Alignment

Double click on a feature to edit it. See the Guide Chapter on Features to learn more about editing features and associated qualifiers.
Add a Feature to an Alignment Sequence

Select a region of a single sequence in the alignment by one of the following methods:
- Click a sequence name to select the entire sequence.
- Click within a sequence row and drag down the alignment to the equivalent row.
- Click Edit → Select Range to specify a sequence range for selection.
Click Features → Add Feature. Add the new feature and appropriate qualifiers, then click OK. See the Guide chapter on Features to learn more about adding features to a sequence.

The new feature will be displayed on the sequence.
Click Discard Edits to Undo all edits made to the alignment, or click Save to save the edited alignment.
Click the Editing Pairwise Alignments button to learn more about editing pairwise alignments.