How do I perform "bulk" actions on multiple files at once in SnapGene 8.0?
SnapGene 8.0 allows you to perform bulk actions on selected files and folders via the Project side panel.
If you can't see a bulk action that you would find useful in SnapGene then contact our support team at and let us know.
Manage Your Files
Select two or more files or any combination of files and folders in the side panel. Use CTRL-click (Windows and Linux) or Command-click (macOS) to select or deselect individual files or folders.
Selected items will be highlighted blue in the side panel and a summary of the number and types of file in the selection will be displayed.
Use the "Manage your files..." menus and buttons to "bulk" manage your files/folders.
Annotate or Edit Your Data
Select two or more files or any combination of files and folders in the side panel. Use CTRL-click (Windows and Linux) or Command-click (macOS) to select or deselect individual files or folders.
Selected items will be highlighted blue in the side panel and a summary of the number and types of file in the selection will be displayed.
Click the"x" to deselect unwanted file types. Bulk actions compatible with the selected file types will then be shown.
Note: The "bulk actions" options offered will be dependent on the file types in your selection. For example, you won't see the option to "Simulate agarose gel..." if you have a mixture of DNA and protein files selected.
If you don't see an expected "Bulk Action" option then double check the file types that you have in your selection.
Use the "Annotate, simulate, or edit your data..." menus and buttons to perform a bulk actions on the selected files.
Example WorkFlow: Detect Common Features
Select 2 or more .dna files.
Click Detect Features → Detect Common Features.
Set the detection threshold, then click Add Features to detect and add features to all sequences.
SnapGene will report all files that have be modified to include new features.
Click "Copy to clipboard" if you want to copy the summary and paste/save it in another program.
A yellow "banner" at the top of the side panel will warn some files have been modified and are unsaved. All modified unsaved files will be marked by a gold dot.
Click the ellipsis on the banner to choose to "Save All", "Discard all" or "Select [all] Unsaved Files".
Example with Mixed File Types: Align to Reference
The Align to Reference operation aligns mixed file types, namely sequencing reads (.ab1, .scf or .ztr) and a reference sequence (.dna). Select a reference sequence and 1 or more trace files and click Align to reference DNA sequence to perform an alignment to reference in one step.
The reference file will be opened and the trace files shown aligned to the reference (if a match is detected).
A yellow "banner" will appear at the top of the side panel, and the reference file will be marked by a gold dot, to show the file has unsaved changes. Select the reference sequence and click File → Save to save the alignment.