How do I simulate an agarose gel for a PCR amplification?
Specify the Template for PCR Amplification
To specify the template, expand the Lane [N] menu, then choose the desired file.
Choose PCR Amplification
To specify a PCR amplification, choose amplified by PCR from the expanded menu.
Specify the Primers
To specify the primers, choose the primer name from the expanded Primer [N] menu. Tab to specify the other primer.
Alternatively, paste the primer sequence into the 5' ... 3' box.
Alternatively, to specify the PCR primers, click to select two primers in Map, Sequence, or Primers view.
View the Simulated Agarose Gel
The simulated agarose gel for the PCR amplification simulation will be shown.
Rapidly Simulate a PCR Amplification
To simulate a PCR amplification from a sequence window, select a pair of primers, then click Tools → Simulate Agarose Gel.
The resulting PCR amplification will appear in the next available lane in the Agarose Gel Simulation dialog.
Repeat this step to populate other lanes.