How can I zoom in on a sequence, region, or feature?
Show the Zoom Controls

To show the zoom controls, , click View → Zoom Controls.
If desired, first select the sequence region or feature that will be zoomed into, then click , click View → Zoom Controls. The selection will now be centered in the "zoomed" view.
The rectangle in the map overview shows the relative zoom window location within the entire sequence.
View the Zoomed Region in Sequence View

To view the zoomed region in Sequence view, click the Sequence tab. Bases in the zoom window upstream (and if possible) downstream of the selection are shown.
- To change the number of bases shown on either side of the selection, click the Zoom buttons (+ or –). Alternatively, drag the slider.
- To change the width of the zoom window, edit either the width value or the range bounds. Alternatively, drag either side of the zoom window boundary.